Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Women who market their beauty while climbing to the top…what’s up with that?

A sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing.
-Marilyn Monroe

No matter what your history textbooks tell you, there have been a bizillion powerful women all throughout time. Doctors, politicians, teachers and entertainers alike, no field has been left untouched by a female’s charm. Sure, ladies all around the world have been oppressed and exploited for the sake of the progress of others, but there have been a group of “untouchables” who have used one of the main components of capitalism in the U.S. to maintain success.
Sex sells! This isn’t a new concept, and how can anyone be faulted for using this as a stepping stone to get where they’d like to be? Okay, these women can be thought to be perpetuating the very stereotypes and negative images in the media that virtually every woman is against, but a woman’s body is beautiful, and if done a certain way, these same images can be used to empower women instead of demean them.
These goddesses of Hollywood have used their beauty and charm along with much talent to get ahead in this male dominated world.

Please Note: all women are actually talented and do not rely solely on their good looks and hot bodies. Men may want them and women may want to be them, but when it gets down to it, these ladies are actresses, signers, and business women who are well- known for their craft as well as their looks (much like the life of a model). They can’t help being beautiful…And if men have exploited the female body for centuries for their own gratification, isn’t it our turn to take what’s rightfully ours and do with it what we will? Women should be able to be respected for being beautiful, because “sexy” and “slutty” are not synonymous. Money makes the world go ‘round and while the women we are going to introduce you to are undoubtedly successful, they are all very different types of women who walk that fine line between working within the system to move up even though it is the system that aims to exploit them. But, who is really getting played?? Before we judge these women for the way they look, maybe we should explore the "why" and give a girl a break!

The Lady Ladder was created mainly as a project for our Women Studies class. The content we wish to share can be very controversial but we encourage your feedback and opinions! These issues have been weaved into conversations for years and it most certainly won’t stop here. But with any good argument, some things are better left said! We want to hear from you.
We would also like you to view our blog as not only a written work, but also a work of art. EVERYTHING is as it is for a reason, so leave no picture, or comma unturned.
So sit back, relax and enjoy…

The girls of WMST250


  1. Sheila JonesRanisha I read your blog Lady ladder and I do agree that women that are trying to get ahead have to use sex...because that is what sells...but it should be left up the the individual to decide. We have as WOMEN fallen victim to being decided by "eye of men " to make us who we are and it is sad...So many young girls have problems loving who they ... See Moreare because of the eye of men (society) and we as women need to imbrace the inside first and then the outside and teach our young sister the same to love youself first and formost and the sex appeal 2nd.

  2. Great theory that analyse what drives women in the ultimate search for fame and power. yes sex sells, but behind all that beuty and glamour lies vulnerability which is often exploited.

  3. I like what you said gurlllll! It really changed my life gurllll! Sometimes I be like GUrlll why I gotta wear dis to get sumwhere or watevas! Why can't i wear my sweats!? why can't i war my KHAKIS! WHY CAN'T I WEAR WHAT EVA ELSE I WANA WEAR! WHy i gotta wear a mini dress and stilletos for an interview at Khols!!!!!! messsed up! thats alll.....gurrrlll

  4. WOW! You guys did a really good job. Overall, i thought it was great, but I do have a few comments. At first, I was a little confused as to the general message of your blog. Although, after reading the whole thing I'm pretty sure I've figured it out. You guys are trying to re-examine the way women use their bodies and "sex" to make an impact, and are trying to look at it in a different light, instead of just judging and critizing. Good message! I think it's important for woman to not be so critical of other woman, and your blog is empowering. I noticed a few typos, but overall...GOOD JOB GUYS!!

  5. I really enjoyed looking over this! Everything is so catchy and although there were a few typos, the content overall was important and informative. It brought up many issues that are controversial and influential today, which is good because there are many female disadvantages and stereotypes that aren't addressed. Great job!

  6. LOVE...LOVE...LOVE!!!!

  7. I love the picture on the right-hand side: it's one of my favorites, and always makes me laugh.
    I actually would've liked to see you guys talk about it though, and maybe analyze it a bit. Overall, good job with using stuff we talked about in class and tying it in with pictures and everyday celebrity examples. And the blog format is really creative :)
