Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This is the relation of women to themselves." Ways of Seeing by John Berger

So, Playboy is the place to go to find the ultimate sex symbols. Yes, Marilyn, and Kim K. have both posed and received a lot of criticism, both from people who agreed with them posing, and those who hated them for it. We think Playboy is a bit risque´but being who they are, everyone wants a piece of them. Kim held her ground and was not photographed completely naked in her spread. Even with her cover, it was tastefully done. Marilyn did however choose to get completely nude...
The advantages of this is they got to choose for themselves!! Women should not have to always be completely covered, forced to hide their figure, or made to tone down their sex appeal if they really don't want to. It should be up to us! No one can judge what you do except you. Take it or leave it ladies & gents.

In Women's Studies there's such a thing as the "male gaze" and to put it simply, it is the act of being a sepctacle and being judged by an audience who is perceived to be a heterosexual man..you know, those people who make the world go 'round. Feminist scholars believe it is this gaze that women are so conscious of and it is that gaze that creates representation. In other words, as women we are well aware that we are constantly being watched and judged for every little thing. The lens by which we are viewed is the eye of men and since we know this, we are always trying to please them...ever so subconsciously. That's really all Playboy is. Regular women do this all the time: always checking themselves in the mirror, wearing the dress that shows that much more cleavage,etc. Playboy is just a much larger scale. So, in a way, we've all fallen victim to this tragic truth. Women have a hard time winning. If we show too much we're a whore, but if we show nothing, we're perceived as being asexual & rigid....
What's a girl to do?!


  1. I somewhat agree with this. I'm not sure that we always want to please the men looking at us. But I think it is true that we always being watched whether we want to or not and that we're always somewhat aware of that constant attention. Men I've encountered are very vocal about what they think of women and whether you asked or not, they WANT you to hear what they think of you. To me, it's really strange that men have so much to say about us and not just women my age and older (23). They also have a lot to say about young ladies. I heard about Jamie Foxx's comments about Miley Cyrus who is only 15 or 16 and I really couldn't believe what he said (that she should make a sex tape and grow up). There was also that controversy with the radio talk show host and the girls high school basketball team. He called them names based on their appearances. So I would go as far to say that want and EXPECT you to try and please them with your appearance and maybe that's part of reason so many succumb to that pressure.

  2. I would say you shouldnt limit this idea only to women. Men do things to please women as well.

  3. I agree that a woman should feel comfertable in her own body, and be proud of her figure. However, in the society that we live in, often times whether we conciously think about it or not, we want to show off sex appeal because it has been conditioned in our head so many times that this is what we must do in order to please MEN!....I feel in order for a woman to really make a CHOICE about how she chooses to present her body, all influences that are bombarding her daily saying "be sexy be sexy be sexy" would have to be removed. Of course it is possible to overcome these pressures, however it is often difficult when all these famous woman you talk about in this blog are seemingly flawless. I do agree that a woman should be able to bare it all if she wants to, but at the same token I strongly disaprove of baring it all because our society has sexualized the female body to a degree that all a woman's body represents anymore is sex.
